Issue and Project Management
>>> Designed and managed website for a psychological operations program sponsored by DOD Special Operations Command. Within 30 days of arriving in Iraq, site was brought up to initial operating capability required by client, approved by two four-star general officers and went live on the web on schedule. Worked with military supervisors to publish content daily, establish operating procedures, adhere to contract and legal requirements, add features and improve quality of site. Received award certificate from the Brigadier General who was supervising the program after site was five months in operation.
>>> Carried out successful campaign to build support among businesses, the general public and the congressional delegation for a ski resort which was threatened with eminent domain by a federal agency. Eighty percent of respondents to an Environmental Assessment supported the ski resort’s position, as did the bipartisan congressional delegation. The resort owner was able to negotiate from strength and gained a favorable settlement for the disputed land from the agency.
>>> Advisor to property owners association on successful effort to defeat proposal to establish a national park surrounding their land. Kept property owners united, expanded coalition to local governments, businesses and general public, gained congressional support for the coalition’s position. The park service and environmental groups were forced to scale down and then withdraw parts of their plan. Ultimately, a feasibility study rejected all new land use controls.
>>> In Iraq, advised on campaign to gain acceptance from religious and secular leaders for an unprecedented ethics code of conduct to be signed by all government employees. The code was approved, published in the Iraqi government’s Federal Register, and is being signed by all federal employees. This effort gained strong support from Iraqi media entities, who for the first time were able to directly criticize government agencies and prod them into accepting the code of conduct.
>>> Compromise on wilderness legislation to expand access corridors to private property in-holdings and recreation areas.
>>> Compromise on energy legislation on expansion of eminent domain authority for electric power lines, to restrict the conditions and ancillary uses under which land can be taken and utilized.
>>> Compromise language on invasive species eradication program to protect property owners from unintended consequences of definition of “invasive species.”
>>> Defeat of $47 billion land acquisition trust fund.
>>> In Iraq, gained permanent status and funding for newly established anti-corruption agency in the Iraqi government.
Writing for print and electronic publication
>>> Op-ed published as part of successful campaign to gain Senate confirmation for Interior Department Secretary nominee Gale Norton.
>>> Assisted in editing of a book which gained positve reviews from all major book reviewing entities.
>>> Overcame language and security barriers to help design media campaign gaining public acceptance for new Iraqi cabinet level agency. This included storyboarding television and radio ads, print editorial cartoons and other print media.
>>> Radio ads as part of campaign to fight national park proposal.